Liam Gretton

What Barristers And Selling Your Home Have In Common


Barristers Are Great At What They Do, They’re Highly Qualified People And Can Be Likened To Selling Property.

You see, when selling your property, you need a specialist!

Now, you may be thinking that all estate agents are the same, however you would be wrong.

So let me ask you a question.

If you found out tomorrow you needed to instruct a barrister to represent you in any capacity, what kind of questions would spring to mind? Here’s what would spring to my mind…

  • Success rate?
  • Potential Risks?
  • Experience of the Barrister? Both in terms of qualifications and number cases represented
  • And maybe a few more…


I’m sure we can all agree that the more experience someone has in doing something, the more successful they will be at it, fair enough?


So, Back To Selling Your Property…

I can count on 1 hand the number of times I’ve been meeting a Wirral homeowner and I’ve been asked questions like:

  • What are the risks of selling and buying? (by the way, there are many when embarking on moving home)
  • What’s your experience and expertise? (How long have you been an agent and how many sales or purchases have you handled?)
  • What’s your success rate? (both in terms of % of asking price achieved, days to secure the right buyer and sale agreed to exchange of contracts success rate)


It amazes me that people don’t ask these questions when they’re clearly REALLY important when it comes to having a smooth, stress-free and successful sale of your property.

Most people ask what are your fees are, If you can do a better rate and how much can you get for their house… then they choose either the highest valuation or lowest fees, or both… which isn’t a great recipe.

Yet did you know that 75% of the UK population don’t trust estate agents…

Maybe that’s because 75% of the population choose the wrong type of estate agent to represent them. Sellers aren’t choosing based on important research or by asking the right questions and ultimately their being left with the agent who doesn’t know them, their property or the overall moving goals meaning their advice is a bit like a car salesman from the 1990’s. (disclaimer: There are LOTS of AMAZING estate agents out there)

Like a Barrister or any true professional in their sector, having someone who knows how to smoothly handle property sales and purchasing (and negotiating the best outcome for a client) requires skill, practice, expertise, commitment and experience. Not the cheapest fee which often results in an agent taking photos themselves, creating a floorplan and adding a listing to

ONE of the most important takeaway points I would like you to take from this blog is if you are planning on moving home in the near future or simply selling a Wirral property…

THINK! It might sound cheap, However what is the overall cost?


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